29 August
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
3 September
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
Shukshin's Stories

The Theatre of Nations has toured with the performance Shukshin’s Stories, and it has been a great success everywhere.

The vivid and witty texts by Vasily Shukshin together with the star-studded cast and the delicate direction by Alvis Hermanis (Latvia) have created an ideal recipe. The intricate theatrical pattern is interlinked with everyday life stories of the depth of the Russian countryside. The remarkable story characters leap from the pages into the accurate images on stage, whereas the viewers may recognize themselves or their friends in the characters.Shukshin's stories are very nostalgic. The actors do not intend to look like Soviet villagers of the 70s, but rather try to recollect and understand what makes their characters the way they are. Through humour and irony one can see tragic notes of ordinary human relationships that are rarely described in drama.

The Golden Mask theatre award laureate in 3 nominations – the best big form drama performance, the best male part in a drama performance (Evgeny Mironov), the best artist's work in a drama performance (Victoria Sevryukova)

THe Crystal Turandor award laureate in three nominations – the best performance, the best female part (Chulpan Khamatova), the best male part (Evgeny Mironov).

The winner of the 7th internaional theatre forum «Golden Knight» (Zolotoy Vityaz) in a nomination «Big form theatre».

Laureate of the Theatre Union of Russia’s Moscow theatre award “Hit of the season”

It was shown at Europe's major theatre festivals:

The Vienna Festival (Austria)

Teatrformen (Hannover, Germany)

International Festival in Helsinki (Finland)

Golden Mask in Baltia Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia) and Vilnius (Lithuania)

Tel-Aviv Centennial Festival (Israel)

Dutch Festival (Amsterdam)

Unknown Siberia (Lyons, France)

International Festival in Lodz (Poland)

F. I. N. D. 2nd International Festival of Modern Drama (Schaubuhne am Leniner Platz, Berlin, Germany)

It toured in Ukraine (Kiev, Donetsk), Kazakhstan (Alma Aty).The Shukshin’s Stories was presented at the following theatre festivals in Russia:

Shukshin's Days in Moscow

The Year of Shukshin in Altai (Biysk, Barnaul)

The Baltic Seasons (Kaliningrad, Russia)

The Christmas Festival (Novosibirsk)

Russian theatres to northern Caucasus (Pyatigorsk)

It toured in St. Petersburg, Saratov, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Groznyy, Odessa, etc.

Премьера: Nov. 22, 2008 Продолжительность: 03 ч. 00 мин. Спектакль идет с 1 антрактом 18+
Set designer, Photos
Costume designer
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