29 August
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
3 September
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
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New Space Anthology film Graduates of the School of Documentary Film and Theater, documentary filmmakers choose heroes from Dostoevsky's books and look for their prototypes in the modern world, creating a documentary portrait in the anthology of short films 'Hero'.
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New Space Quiz During this quiz participants will answer enthralling questions. For the first time in the history the quiz will be dedicated to Dostoevsky's books and to performances, based on his novels.
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New Space Film program 'Dostoevsky.Visions' How to stage and film Dostoevsky's novels? How to get rid of clichés and stereotypes? How does 'Dostoevshchina' sound and look? Film program 'Dostoevsky.Visions' will present audiovisual works, based on the books of great writer.
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New Space Film program. Open Call New Space announces Open call for artists and directors for the creation of audiovisual works, based on Fedor Dostoevsky's novels.
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New Space Opera Young composers will prepare four chamber operas, based on the Dostoevsky's works, directors will stage it in New Space, modern vocal ensembles will show how melodic the author's voice is.
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New Space От Автора. Вечер стихотворений Андрея Гришаева «От Автора» – цикл вечеров стихотворений, который придумал и проводит режиссёр Рома Либеров. Задача цикла – сохранение живой русской поэтической речи.
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New Space Dostoevsky 200 Theater of Nations conducts a special program 'Dostoevsky 200' dedicated to 200th anniversary of the Fyodor Dostoevsky's birth in 2021.
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New Space От Автора. Вечер стихотворений Глеба Шульпякова «От Автора» – цикл вечеров стихотворений, который придумал и проводит режиссёр Рома Либеров. Задача цикла – сохранение живой русской поэтической речи.
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New Space The Hungry Fox Memorial Tunnel choreographic performance
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New Space 7 Days In Modern Art A production based on the world bestselling book by British sociologist Sarah Thornton, which shows the seamy side of contemporary art. An inside comedy about stereotypes and traditions of modern art.
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New Space On Saltkrakan Island There is nothing more magical than suddenly finding yourself in an abandoned hut on a tiny island in the Baltic Sea, among many antiques.
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New Space I Congress of Contemporary Dance Это событие соберет действующих хореографов, художников, теоретиков, кураторов, продюсеров, членов профессионального сообщества и зрителей вокруг феномена современного танца как художественного, культурного и социального движения.